
Welcome to the new Oceanink Squids blog!

Hey everyone, welcome to the Oceanink Squids blog! We – the Oceanink Squids staff – have been discussing better ways to communicate what we work on for a while now and decided this would be a good place to put information. Anything pertaining to the Series, etc. will still go in the usual places, and we will continue to post to Discord and Twitter. However, we will likely post summaries in those spaces, and full details here, on the blog.

So what are we planning to use this blog for?

The big thing is basically “patch notes”. We want to better explain changes we have made or are thinking of making, and the reasons why, etc. This will span changes to the blue Oceanink server, to the Series, and to anything else we handle.

We will also post other bits of information here, such as recruitment posts for Oceanink staff, tournament announcements, etc.

We hope this will help everyone better understand what we do and how we think, and that that insight will help us all as a community to grow and improve together as we go into Splatoon 3.

– The Oceanink Staff