Stream Team

The Oceanink Series Stream Team is a group of people dedicated to recording and streaming and commentating Series matches. We have three main goals:

  1. To show off the amazing teams and players of the Oceanink community, and to show off Oceanink Series, both to others within Oceanink and to people outside our community. We want to build engagement within the community, and help our players reach international spaces.
  2. To show off Splatoon to a wider audience, including people who might not have heard of the game before or people who play but aren’t yet playing competitively, in an effort to grow the community. 
  3. To practice our craft, producing high quality content for viewers, and assist the team in learning skills they can use in future endeavours.
A moment from the Season 9 stream: Tacticolér Gaming VS team Zaza

The three roles within the Stream Team each help with these goals in different ways:

Recorders and Streamers bring the matches to the people! Replay codes aren’t a scalable way to share match footage, so having someone record your match allows you to share it with others more easily. You also get to see more information that you wouldn’t see from an individual player’s perspective.

Commentators are great at hyping up matches, players and the audience! They may also get people interested in competitive Splatoon. Commentary provides a chance to teach players who are still learning by explaining maps, modes, weapons, and strategies, as well as providing insider knowledge on players and metas.

Where to watch

Official streams are streamed to the Oceanink Squids Twitch channel.

Past streams can be found linked in the Oceanink Discord. There is also a series of Youtube uploads collected in a playlist on the Oceanink Squids Youtube channel.

Joining the Stream Team

Want to join the Stream Team? Here’s what you should read first:

Then, once you’ve had a read of the relevant information, please contact @Yessoan on Discord to apply! And be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • Which roles do you want to take on: Streamer, Recorder and/or Commentator?
  • Have you read and do you agree to the relevant agreement(s) and guidelines?
  • Do you have the necessary hardware and software for the role(s)? (We can advise on hardware and software if you’re still figuring that out!)