The Oceanink Series is a league-based tournament series that offers players from Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, South-East Asia and Korea a chance to play against other local teams and practice playing regular matches under competitive conditions. It is designed to help teams improve and grow, and to help newer players and teams get started with competitive Splatoon.
Divisions: The league is split into divisions, based on registration numbers and results from seeding tournaments. This allows everyone to play against teams of a similar skill level.
Matches: Each season consists of a bracket played over several weeks. Teams are expected to play one match per week on average in that time period, with certain weeks set aside for catching up on deferred matches.
Duration: Including pre-season seeding tournaments, each season of the Oceanink Series runs for up to 10 weeks.
Registration: Registration is open to teams in the greater Oceania region. See the rules for eligibility requirements.
Past winners: Curious who played in – and won – previous seasons? Check out the Hall of Fame!
More information: Information about the most recent season are available via the navigation at the top of the page. There is also information about how you can get involved as part of either the Stream or Design Teams.
To keep up with announcements about the Series please follow us on Twitter. If you have any questions about the Series feel free to contact us on Twitter or Discord. And to watch matches throughout the season, make sure to follow us on Twitch!